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Unsolicited praise!

Tide Oxy. Download your $2 off coupon and BUY IT. However, do not waste it on your clothes. Use it to clean the red wine you spilled off your carpet, the dinge out of your sofa, the random stain on your toddler’s floor. Seriously. Rocked my socks off. Plus, one tub is going to last all year, clumsy as we all are. BUY IT. trust a lady.

New season, new beginnings and new work!

I can feel it coming in the air of night. A crispness. A lightness. A relief from sweltering heat and the end of the dog days of summer. It’s almost football season folks!! Everyday should be Saturday. Every day should be a fall Saturday that’s not an Alabama bye week.
In honor of the season, The Nerd Nursery if Etsy is now featuring a Halloween series and an autumn on wood series. Come visit and until then… Roll tide.


Sometimes it takes a pile of poo!

To make you feel alive, necessary and competent in a very human way! Working out the links in spider man’s and new puppy’s schedules. They’re not always synchronized and neither know how to tell you nor have the physical ability to hold it!
Great progress on photography and etsy store made! TheNerdNursery is so close to reality I can taste it! And it tastes like a dream with a twist of purple cotton candy!
Namaste beautiful people. Have new legal work and etsy to work on tomorrow. Exciting!! The best and most exciting time in my life with rate exception.


Hola, Bonjour and hello!

Big, wonderful exciting things are happening in our lives. Our being me, my amazing high school junior and my toddler Spider-Man. Big announcement coming next week and fall editing and writing semester starts soon. 25 days until college football kickoff, TWO new small businesses that are perfect for Spider-Man nap and after bedtime…new friends and playgroups. Spider-man has new friends, I have new friends and plans every weekend! Old friends of course, you know who you are, are the best. So excited about the here and now and the future. Life IS good. I’m totally ordering a wheel cover for Gwen my like brand new Rav-4. Next week: one new business opens and we add a family member!!!! Consignment and couponing with friends first. Namaste.